23 definitions by Beefaroni_Salesman

The word someone will/shall use if they are losing a grammar argument, commonly used against "You're*"
Mark: Your an idiot
Bingleton: You're*
Mark: ... U'yero*
by Beefaroni_Salesman November 26, 2022
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This is from Rick and Morty. A man made of pure meta- wait.. this has been done before.
Rhett Caan: It is and always has been.. now.
by Beefaroni_Salesman December 19, 2022
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Garfield from the show, comics and movies attempting to pronounce Jonathan after suffering brain cancer
Garfield: Jombathan, I require lunchon
Jon: Garfunkle, please, release me from this hell hole known as the kitchen.
by Beefaroni_Salesman November 28, 2022
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It is like a wigga, but it's used for gnomes
Gnome 1: Eyyy whats up my Gwigga
Gnome 2: Please seek help.
by Beefaroni_Salesman December 29, 2022
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A shitfest tabletop game that functions like Dungeons and Dragons but runs on a d10 system, is unbalanced, most likely not playtested, horrible mechanics such as "auto-fire" and overall bad. Despite this, it is still fun to play. Despite the mental and possibly physical pain this TTRPG brings.
Qaundale Dingle: Are we playing Cancer™ the game tonight?
Barack Obama: You mean "Cyberpunk Red"? If so, yeah.
by Beefaroni_Salesman December 1, 2022
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John: Dude, I cuuffed that turkey hard, you could say instead of stuffing, I used cuuffing.
Garfunkle: Jombathan, I worry for your mental sanity.
by Beefaroni_Salesman November 26, 2022
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When you are given an erection whilst being soaked in water.
"Dammit, Janice gave me an erection while it was pouring yesterday."
"So, she gave you an ewetion."
by Beefaroni_Salesman October 31, 2022
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