5 definitions by BOOMER1212

A drink consisting of the following
4 ice cubes in a high ball glass
1.5 Oz tequila (preferably casamigos)

Top off with soda water and garnish with lemon and lime
Holy shit, I got into the Nicole's last night and completely blacked out.
by BOOMER1212 February 23, 2021
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When you no show an event you're supposed to attend.
I think i will just pull an Irish hello and no show the Halloween party I was supposed to attend.
by BOOMER1212 October 29, 2022
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When u choke after toking a bowl while sucking a dick.
She panda choked all over the club.
by BOOMER1212 October 12, 2020
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That shot was a Dutch wife. Ugly but she works.
by BOOMER1212 July 31, 2024
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When you accidently type in the wrong amount for a player in a fantasy football auction draft.
I just pulled a Tessa by accidently typing in $118 instead of $18 for Terry McLauren.
by BOOMER1212 September 8, 2021
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