78 definitions by BATMAN

An occupation consisting of duties requiring one to mop up the ejaculant in a private booth after an erotic entertainment session.
Ted is the jizz mopper at the Pink Poodle. He wears shoes with lots of traction.
by BATMAN April 12, 2002
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The best fucking place on motherfucking earth. located in Pullman Washington
by BATMAN October 9, 2003
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A state of utter confusion and disorientation.
I was disfumbled after finishing my 3 hour chem 127 lab. I't was crappy.
by BATMAN April 13, 2002
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This is the chick that you practice freaky sexual techniques with before trying them on your girlfriend or wife. Typically, not very attractive, but willing to try absolutely anything just to get some action. The chick used to perfect your game/moves.
Last night I fucked my scrimage chick's armpit and came all over her. I am glad that I got that out of my system, it would never work with wifey.
by BATMAN May 20, 2004
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A bloke with an enormous penis which he is able to swing over his shoulder. See also see www.tallywacker.co.uk
Man, look at the tallywacker on him - im gonna go jump off a cliff
by BATMAN September 5, 2003
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