87 definitions by Athene Airheart

This is also 1930's slang for a poor college student.
Matthew is a real scrub. I don't think he ever leaves the campus, and he has a hard time getting a job- but he's a good guy.
by Athene Airheart May 1, 2004
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Addendum to my previous definition of schnoodle:

More precisely, a schnoodle is two guys sharing one foreskin in an erotic manner. Head to head. Ya dig?
The two guys were really into each other so they started some hot schnoodle action.
by Athene Airheart May 1, 2004
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A Schnoodle can also be a circle jerk between a circumsized guy and an uncircumsized guy.
Kevin the Navy guy knows the definition of Schnoodle because he has a dirty mind.
by Athene Airheart April 18, 2004
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To just say something but not actually do it. To pretend that you believe a certain thing but not practice that belief.
The company pays lip service to equal rights, but has only one woman working for them and she's underpaid.
by Athene Airheart May 15, 2004
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A greeting. A friendly, country way of saying Hello.
"Howdy," said the farmer as she greeted her neighbor.
by Athene Airheart March 31, 2004
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In bed.

This phrase is also part of a game where you take any common sentence or title and add "between the sheets." A popular juvenile activity.

The possibilities are endless.
"Romeo and Juliet... between the sheets!"

"The Passion of Christ... between the sheets!"

"The Return of the King... between the sheets!"
by Athene Airheart March 28, 2004
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An extremely cool activity, possible with an airplane, preferably a Cessna and a pilot.
It is very fun to see the world from up high when I go flying.
by Athene Airheart March 21, 2004
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