87 definitions by Athene Airheart

A term used to describe a member of the US Air Force.

Probably comes from the Air Force's reputation for being neat and orderly.
Did ya see that wing-wiper over there? Bet I could arm wrestle him.
by Athene Airheart May 1, 2004
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Slang for a really really good airplane. (I.E. dependable, reliable, cute, affordable.) Refers to the Cessna 152 model, which is one of the greatest training aircraft ever.
"That plane over there is a real Cessna!"
by Athene Airheart March 15, 2004
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Any device that flies. An airplane is an example of an aircraft, as are helicopters, dirigibles, gliders and balloons.

Every aircraft needs an aviator or pilot to fly it.
"That Cessna is one fine looking hunk of aircraft!"
by Athene Airheart March 21, 2004
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A really great aircraft!

Also known as a Corsair, this was one of the best fighter planes of World War II.
Man do I love flying that fine corsair of mine...
by Athene Airheart March 20, 2004
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A derogatory term for members of the US Navy. Rarely an endearment.
"Hey, watch your six, rust-picker! I'm comin' in right on your tail!" (A Marine pilot taunting a Navy pilot during war games)
by Athene Airheart March 15, 2004
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The landing of an aircraft, used in military jargon of WWII. Generally a rather flat landing that hard and not too good for the airplane.

A landing like this is referred to as "pancaking it in."
"Wow, he really pancaked his Corsair in! I'm surprised the landing gear are still intact!"
by Athene Airheart March 20, 2004
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