10 definitions by Andrew Badera

1. A special, real number that normalizes the ratio of douchebags in a conversation to the amount of time it takes for one or more of them to be called out as such.
Time to call-out = Douchebag Constant * (time / douchebags); tc = DBC(t / d)
by Andrew Badera December 11, 2010
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An SEObot is a subset of spambots most often found as accounts on social networks, or as webcrawlers used to game page ranking mechanisms in search. The typical social network SEObot is either trying to game, or trying to sell SEO services, often mixed with other spam.
Enough with the SEObots already -- Twitter really needs to kill the autofollow mechanism.
by Andrew Badera August 13, 2009
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Followspam is email or other notification generated by the action of following someone on a social network. Followspam happens when the account originating the follow action is used for spam, often a bambibot, SEObot or other bot utilizing an autofollow mechanism.
I'm so sick of all this followspam! The SEObots and bambibots are killing my inbox!
by Andrew Badera August 13, 2009
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Primary indication of membership in Fauxhemian society: placeless pretentiousness. This is followed closely by wearing clothes that don't look good on you, or anyone, because it's "cool," right alongside being critical and then hypocritical about whatever you were criticizing in someone else, often in the name of "irony."

Secondary indications of self-election to doucheoisie status include a fondness for the non-non-mainstream Pabst Blue Ribbon, more commonly referred to as PBR, and feigning delight in subpar bands just because the mainstream has never heard of said bands. (Probably with good reason.)
Hipster douchebag tweets: "Wow, I can't believe that person tweets so much! Don't they have a life?"

Hipster douchebag gets a crappy haircut for the irony of it after criticizing a coworker or social acquaintance's bad haircut the day before.
by Andrew Badera May 28, 2010
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1. Twitter accounts that serve no benefit other than linkspamming or self-promotion: "That girl's pretty twam-y."

2. Twitter follow requests from persons blithely following Robert Scoble's mass-adding formula for gaining "followers" on Twitter: "Scoble's mass-add formula encourages follow twam."
by Andrew Badera April 17, 2008
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A bambibot is a subset of spambots found on social networks, fronted with sexy pictures, pushing porn links and spewing lasivicious statements.

"I hate my boy/girlfriend, you need to come f*ck me now! www.obviouspornlink.com/gejio3h3043j0"
Those stupid bambibots have totally taken over Twitter and filled my inbox with followspam.
by Andrew Badera August 13, 2009
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to blog or microblog in a fashion completely uninteresting to those around you, or in your netwok, often in an overly-revealing, stream-of-consciousness fashion.
That d-bag life-vomits complete juvenile nonsense on Pownce.
by Andrew Badera August 31, 2007
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