41 definitions by Ambiguousgenitals

The strut a person performs while dressed in the same clothes they wore the previous night as they leave someone's house, apartment, condo, dorm room, office, hotel, motel, car, forest, etc. after just having sex with someone who is WAY WAY above their weight class and who without consuming massive amounts of drugs or alcohol (voluntarily) would otherwise never be caught dead having a conversation let alone a sexual relation with said person.
Mike: yo dude, didn't you wear that shirt last night?!? Are you headed back to the house just now?!! Awww....you're doing the ole walk of shame huh bud?!?
Steve: walk of shame?!? What!?! Nonsense man! I hooked up with friggin Sheryl last night!!!
Mike: Whoa! Sheryl!! GTFOH!!! She's way out of your league!
Steve: I know! That's why I'm walking back to the house so slowly. I want everyone to witness my Walk of Fame!
by Ambiguousgenitals January 26, 2021
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A woman's vagina that is surrounded on all sides by at least a moderate to an excessive amount of pubic hair such that the vaginal opening is almost completely obscured from view.
Donna: OMG, Dave just text me that he wants us to make a sandwich tonight!
Sue: A sandwich?!? For dinner?!! Yeah that's odd.
Donna: No silly! Not a sandwich to eat. He want us to have sex. He'll supply the meat with his cock and I'll provide the provide the bread via my hairy bun.
Sue: Hairy bun?!?

Donna: Yeah, it's a complete jungle down there I haven't mowed the lawn since college and that was 10 years ago. But Dave says it keeps his meat extra warm when he wants a sandwich.
by Ambiguousgenitals January 27, 2021
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The day before your girlfriend, mistress, step-sister, step-mom, teacher, babysitter, neighbor, best-friends mom, etc. goes on her period so you have to meet up for sex that night before her flow begins and you go into 4th down territory and have to punt til the following week.
Patrick: Hey, John, Peter, Matthew, Mark and I are going to check out the new bar that opened in campus town last week you down to join us?
Steve: Shit! Sorry man! Susy's on 3rd and inches tonight so I've got to meet up with her tonight before her pussy goes into dark territory and her signal goes out for the next week or so.
Patrick: Awww, no problem man...I totally understand. Play ball!
by Ambiguousgenitals January 26, 2021
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When a person or persons experience a serious medical emergency (heart attack, stroke, seizure, drug overdose, etc.) or falls victim to a tragic accident (car crash, falling down the stairs, etc) or senseless violent crime (drive by shooting, hit and run, machete attack, etc.) that leaves the person or persons dead and obviously helpless to fend off their attacker or a random stranger or their first responder or a good samaritan from stealing their personal belongings, I.e. wallet, phone, money, credit card, jewelry, gold teeth, etc. then they have been stiff jacked.
Paul: George, did you hear that John has been shot in front of his apartment by this complete madman?!?
George: No! This is the first I'm hearing of it. So tragic! What happened?!?
Paul: He was just standing outside on the steps and this bloke walks up to him and shoots him in the chest point blank!
George: Oh my God!
Paul: Yeah! And that's not even the worse part.
George: Oh really?!?
Paul: Yeah because as he's lying their dead and bleeding everywhere little old Ms. Windsor walks over to his corpse and stiff jacked him by lifting his wallet and watch right in front of me!
George: Get out!
Paul: For real! I had no idea the kind, old grandma had it in her to stiff jack someone. Guess you never know do ya mate?
by Ambiguousgenitals January 27, 2021
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A formal dinner engagement party in which the individual host or company, organization, fraternity, sorority, etc. invites guests to attend a feast in which all the main entrees offered must be wild game animals, i.e. duck, deer, buffalo, alligator, pheasant, shark, lion, etc.
Kim: "Hi Kelly, Steve and I are hosting a game dinner this Saturday and we were hoping you and Henry could attend?"
Kelly: "Hi Kim, a game dinner?!? What's that? Is that where all the guests play board games after eating?"
Kim: "No silly! It's where we'll be serving you main entrees featuring pheasant, goose, duck, elk, and bison and not those stupid chicken breasts you make every night. Are you interested?"
Kelly: " Wow! It sounds super exotic! Yeah, we'd love to join!"
Kim: " Great! Dinner's at 8:00, guests will start to arrive at 7:00 and we'll be having an orgy afterwards so bring your strap on."
Kelly: "Perfect! See you then!"
by Ambiguousgenitals January 27, 2021
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The act of intentionally unleashing (although feigning it occurred by accidentally) an adorable dog upon a group of unsuspecting, attractive, and easily susceptible single males or females to lure in (hook) an attractive guy or girl to attempt to catch the loose dog thereby creating a seemingly impromptu introduction that will hopefully lead to a first date with the unsuspecting party.
Joe: Hey, where's Mark at?!? I thought he was coming to watch the game?
Julio: Oh no, he took his dog Bear to the beach to go dogfishing.
Joe: Dogfishing?!? What's that?
Julio: Oh that's when he takes her to a crowded part of beach with tons of attractive ladies then he pretends that she somehow got off her leash as she runs towards the pack of women and they try to catch her.
Joe: Damn! That's pretty ingenious level shit right there....does it ever work?!?
Julio: Oh yeah, he met his first two wives dogfishing. Chicks always bite for adorable puppies.
Joe: Man, I got to get a dog!!!
by Ambiguousgenitals January 27, 2021
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1. A family-run hot dog restaurant in Chicago offering tasty steak hot dogs

2. Slang for a woman's vagina
Joe: Man! I just got done eating at the Hot Dog Box and it was delicious!
Steven: Wait! The restaurant or your girls snatch?
Joe: Both!
by Ambiguousgenitals January 29, 2022
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