41 definitions by Ambiguousgenitals

When the members of a subreddit join forces to seek redemption, retribution, revenge, rewards, recognition, revolution, or all of the above against any individual, group, organization, city, state, municipality, country or the entire world who they feel have inflicted a wrong against them, others, or the entire world on account of their actions, inactions, or gaming of the overall financial and economic system to only benefit their interests and those of the 1% for almost all of recorded history.
Leia: Guys, I did some research and realized that a few Wall Street hedge funds have aggressively sold short GameStop shares to the tune of 140%. If we band together and buy GameStop we can trigger a short squeeze and screw these Wall Street firms and their cronies out of millions perhaps billions and show them what it's like to lose their home.
Luke: Great idea Leia! We may not work at fancy Wall St. Investment banks or live in million dollar penthouses but if we come together we can show these evil bastards how powerful people can be when they organize and work together for the common good and that no enemy too large or too powerful can be defeated through willpower and hope. Let's get this reddit redemption started!
Han: I just bought 50,000 call options of GME!
Chewie: Aarrr wgh ggwaaah!!!
by Ambiguousgenitals January 29, 2021
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When the relationship with your partner has just ended, but you have sex one last time before you say goodbye.
Doctor: Sir, I'm sorry your wife but your wife didn't make it through surgery
Joe: Oh my God! What am I going to do?
Doctor: Would you like to see her and have Breakup Sex before we move her to the morgue?
Joe: I suppose for ole times sake why not
by Ambiguousgenitals November 4, 2021
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When your lower colon is fully loaded with 1-3 large fully digested meals and you're ready to fire the unwanted poop (bullets) into the nearest outhouse, toilet, bush, or ladies chest that you can locate.
Tony: Man, my folks took me to the all you can sushi buffet last night for dinner before I had to go meet up with Tina at her apartment. Needless to say my poop gun was fully loaded and I was itching to pull the trigger when I got to her apartment. Fortunately, she let me fire my "browning bullets" right into her chest. Dude, I was so relieved when my poop gun chamber was all empty, but gosh did I cause A LOT of damage to her tits.
Steve: Geez, sounds like a total shitshow! All-you-can-eat-sushi?!! Sounds like you were at least packing an 8 shooter when you got to Tina's place.
by Ambiguousgenitals January 27, 2021
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When hundreds of truck drivers line up outside Canada's Parliament in Ottawa and run a train gang aka convoy on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's ass to force him into giving into their demands to cancel the vaccine mandate. After each trucker has finished pegging Justin in the rear they tug down on his balls at which point he honks like a truck horn to proclaim his excitement.
Dale: Line up boys it's time to start the Freedom Convoy
Dale: Are you excited for it to begin Justin?
Dale: *Pulls down on Justin Trudeau's balls*
Justin: Honk! Honk!
by Ambiguousgenitals January 30, 2022
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A person whose immediate parents ancestral roots when combined together have traces of European (white), Asian, Latin American (Hispanic), and African (black) roots. Thus representing all four corners of the world.
Jake: Yo, check out that smokin hot beauty over there...I think she's half- Asian and Cuban.
Greg: Who?!? Oh, you mean Nikki? No man, her Dad's half Jamaican and White while her Mom is half Brazilian and Japanese. She's a straight up four corner hustler man! She's got all parts of the globe in her.
Jake: Whoa! Really?!? Well I hope she takes me into her world tonight!!!
Greg: Yo, that's straight up dope.
by Ambiguousgenitals January 26, 2021
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When a man is unable to determine whether he's with a woman or a lady-boy because he can't determine whether she has a vagina or an inverted penis.
Marco: Hey Pablo, how'd you do last night? Did you score with the chick you were taking to?
Pablo: Yeah man, we went back to her place and went at it but I'm not sure she wasn't a he. Her vagina just looked and felt weird. I don't know she's got some ambiguous genitals.
Marco: She's probably just been with a lot of black guys!
Pablo: Man, I hope so.
by Ambiguousgenitals January 29, 2021
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