9 definitions by Albin Pahernik

To stalk someone using the search engine Google to turn up information about the person that can be found on the Internet.
This guy kept bugging me on one chat channel, asking me to meet him IRL, which totally creeped me out. After he got banned he switched to another channel and started googlestalking me. So he found my LiveJournal!
by Albin Pahernik January 4, 2004
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v.t. and i.: to put something with care or effort into a place that fits it, as when something unwieldy finally finds its place; from the popular video game by the same name
<dude> old couch finally tetrised in the house

<otherdude> i can just tetris a single tin can in this recycling box before I have to take it out
by Albin Pahernik August 24, 2004
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i have better things to do than give free tech support to some rfb who happens to meet me on the street
by Albin Pahernik September 28, 2004
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ICB slang. "mmm <something>" means that <something> is good or desirable. Reminiscent or derivative of Homer Simpson's identical usage.

Contrast with www which is the opposite, mmm turned on its head.
> mmm donuts
> www moldy donuts
by Albin Pahernik March 26, 2004
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"Just fucking works". An acronym which refers to software that compiles and/or functions as desired without modification, tweaking, excessive reading of documentation, error message research in a search engine, etc.
I wanted to install qmail the other day, and I was amazed to find that it JFW!
by Albin Pahernik December 1, 2003
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ICB slang. "www <something>" means that <something> is bad or undesirable. It's "mmm" upside-down.
www bad sex, but mmm potato chips after bad sex
by Albin Pahernik July 8, 2004
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A tasty food item or other indulgence one wouldn't indulge in every day, arbitrarily reserved for consumption/enjoyment on Friday night.
I got a nice truffle assortment for Valentine's Day which I'm making next week's Friday night treat!
by Albin Pahernik May 1, 2005
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