27 definitions by Adam the definer !

A chancematch is the name given to a girl/boy women/man you see in a public place usually while you are with your current partner,you see the person and they see you ,you make eye contact and maybe smile at each other then either you move away or they do,either way you will never see them again but you both felt something ,a connection ,you were made for each other a perfect match sent by cupid but you miss the chance forever.
Ah man i was out with my mrs shopping and i had a chancematch with the most cute girl i have ever seen,she was beautiful and perfect and she gave me a cheeky smile ,then she walked off with her boyfriend but she looked back at me as she walked away.I will probably never see her again.
by Adam the definer ! November 29, 2015
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being half lobbed is a term used for having a semi hard penis or semi stiffy,this i an old english term used by sea faring men who's consumption of shellfish i.e crabs and prawns which are high in zinc can cause a state of sexual arousal leading to a half lobbed weapon of ass destruction.
i have been eating so many oysters that im walking about half lobbed,ill have to either beat it out of it or wait for it to go down.
well your not sticking it in me !
by Adam the definer ! June 14, 2015
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english slang,vulgar
another name for a mounted policeman,a police officer on horseback.
What animal has a cunt in the middle of its back ?

a police horse !
im out on the piss tonight tom ,you coming out ?
no last night i got nicked by a backcunt ,he stuck me in a cell overnight for pissing in someones letterbox.
by Adam the definer ! June 14, 2015
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Gut scraping is a term used for a very deep fisted vagina,the hand can be pushed so far into the recipient that the fist can been seen to bw scraping the inner wall of the epidermis.
my shoulder muscle is killing me mate

why ?
i had this proper loose chick last night and she could only come if i was gut scraping her,i thought a wristing would be enough but no no no she had a large caverous clunge.
by Adam the definer ! June 26, 2015
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When you masturbate quickly with a good risk of being caught so it's more exciting.
I was upstairs earlier and my cleaner was dusting downstairs so I had a danger wank while peeping through a crack in the door at her
by Adam the definer ! July 29, 2014
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'spitting water' is what your cock does after you have ejaculated so many times either through so much sex or lots of masturbation ,it just comes out like water with no thickness or colour.
man my dick is sore ,i was tossing off to porn on youjizz for hours ,in the end i came so many times i was Spitting water.
by Adam the definer ! June 14, 2015
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Another name for a penis,cock,shaft,knob,tallywhacker,weiner ect ect
'totum' being an long tall pole that north American Indians used to dance around(totum pole)
I had a filthy bird last night ,I pulled my scrotum totum of her mouth on the vinegar strokes and spooged all in her hair
by Adam the definer ! June 10, 2015
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