13 definitions by Adam Hobbs

The amount at which something is quaint. The level of how quaint something is.
The quainticity of that resturant was very high.
by Adam Hobbs May 22, 2008
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The feeling that arises when the unexpected happens. Shocked.
I was uphailed when the dog ran in front of my car.
by Adam Hobbs August 3, 2008
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A question following a statement. An assurance of the statement it follows. Commonly used in Canada.
Molson beer is good, aye?
by Adam Hobbs May 15, 2008
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Don't pick your gershnoskel in front of me!
by Adam Hobbs April 17, 2008
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A word used to fill an awkward silence in an uncomfortable situation.
Girl: Your hot, wanna make whoopy?
Guy: ................salad
by Adam Hobbs May 15, 2008
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To have extreme hunger, the act of being hunger. A state inwhich you must satisfy you hunger pangs.
I have eaten all day, I have "mad hunger skills".
by Adam Hobbs October 7, 2009
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