288 definitions by Adam


The expression dogs use if you bark at them, or act like your going to hurt them, but they know you're really just playing.
Huamn: WOOF! HEY!!!
Dog: GRR!
by Adam October 11, 2004
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The place where dumbass, flat-chested preppies and needle-dicked jocks go to shop. Why? Because it just makes SO much sense to spend $50 on a t-shirt with a stupid fake advertisement slapped on it.

Also known as "The source of all evil" and "Abercrombie and Bitch".
Walk into any highschool in the U.S. and you are likely to find some stupid-ass girl wearing too much make-up and gawdy jewelery wearing an Abercrombie product.
by Adam March 6, 2005
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a cooler way to state that something or rather some event is/was extremely bad.
"That was a crazy wipeout."
-"yeah, it was hainus, he tore himself a new asshole."
"my girlfriend dragged me out to see britany spears, the whole concert was hainus... but at least there were some hot chicks."
by Adam April 24, 2005
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Giant Flamming Rock Monster found in WarCraft3. Summoned by the DreadLord. Owns n00bs by a longshot.
I Dropped an infernal on his base and it rocked!
by Adam September 3, 2003
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A term usually meaning "great one" or "god-like". It is close in terminology to "dker", except unearthly. while a "dker" is the greatest man alive, an "azam" is above humanity.
That, my friend, is a gift from Azam.
by Adam September 26, 2003
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Tapioca Factor

When something borders on a perpetual line between good and gross.
I just can't tell whether tapioca pudding is delicious or disgusting. It's the original Tapioca Factor.
by Adam May 7, 2009
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Meaning to have a good time. Short for "to have it large". Popularised up north, as it only works with a northern accent esp manchester and district e.g. Bury, Rossendale, Wigan, Bolton etc etc.
Varient of Peter Kay's phrase "AVE IT"
He's avin it.
by Adam April 7, 2004
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