88 definitions by AbnormalBoy


Branch of "mathematics" superficially resembling Statistics. Does not actually involve logic and often is based on wishful thinking. Exclusively used by people unskilled at math. The "Law of Averages" is a major component.
Using sisterstatistics the bum convinced himself that since he has bought so many lottery tickets, he is due for some winnings.
by AbnormalBoy August 1, 2004
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indian giver

Someone who gives a gift and asks for it to be returned.

Based on the observation by European colonialists that native Americans would, by tradition, give a gift as a signal for something more significant in return. Interpreted negatively, leading the word "Indian" to mean false (e.g. Indian summer).
Girl in foyer: You gave me the necklace and now you want it back? You Indian giver!

Guy on porch: You know, the origin of the word "Indian giver" comes from ...

*Door slams*
by AbnormalBoy May 25, 2004
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"Got the tix 4 the game r u rdy?"

"u bet"
by AbnormalBoy May 12, 2004
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Interactions that originate from personalities.
"He is in dire need of unconditional acceptance and she is exceedingly critical of others. Their chemistry is just awful."
by AbnormalBoy May 11, 2004
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sperm bank quality

Describes man whose intelligence, maturity and appearance make him suitable for sperm donation.
"I'm dating a new guy. He's not sperm bank quality, but he's better than the last one."
by AbnormalBoy May 7, 2004
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A clique of geeks. They help each other prepare for AP exams and debug code.
Members of the gleeque hacked into the school's network.
by AbnormalBoy January 8, 2008
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