12 definitions by A equals A

The greatest philosopher of all time. Contrary to popular belief, Ayn Rand does have a handle on absolute truth.
Oh yeah, and she's not racist either. Or self-contradicitory.
by A equals A April 13, 2005
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I rock by virtue of the fact that I got first place in LD Debate
by A equals A April 11, 2005
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A branch of mathematics with widespread applications in physics, chemistry, etc. Even more pervasive than calculus, and that's saying something.
You can't calculate t in v=v0+at unless you can solve a linear equation
by A equals A April 12, 2005
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Something that really doesn't exist.
Well, yeah. It doesn't.
by A equals A April 11, 2005
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The year before 1986 and after 1984.
(the latter of which can also be used to refer to a horrid book by George Orwell)
by A equals A April 11, 2005
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A number that can be written in the form a+bi, where a is zero and i is the square root of negative one
Examples: 3i, -2.8i, 5000i, etc.
by A equals A April 12, 2005
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