6 definitions by 69yourdad69yourmom696969urdad

When you really like a guy, and your making out and he says “we’re just chillin he”
“Dude I really like you nick Curtis

“We’re just chilling” I was played
by 69yourdad69yourmom696969urdad February 6, 2019
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When ur friend lets name him nick has a cousin let’s name him Anton fucks a girl let’s name her kiersten
Wow Swiss miss
by 69yourdad69yourmom696969urdad February 6, 2019
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Someone who has a really small penis and is probably going to never hit puberty and choked out ur friend
Nigel is also related to chino
by 69yourdad69yourmom696969urdad February 6, 2019
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Someone who I love and is very pretty and makes u insecure bc she is so photogenic
by 69yourdad69yourmom696969urdad February 6, 2019
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