20 definitions by 14th Street DC

Android is a smartphone operating system developed by Google using a Linux kernel. The end result is a powerful smartphone that can best the iPhone. It is open source, so the apps are free, and you have personal liberty to customize your phone any way you want. Tech geeks are known to "root" their phone, which is a process that makes you the admin of the operating system, similar to Windows' Administrator account that has been in use since XP in personal computers. The only difference is that you do not get the annoying pop up on an Android phone as you do with the windows pc counterpart.

Android is available on all major networks, and some people have managed to flash their CDMA droids onto smaller PCS networks such as Cricket and Metro PCS.
Android is the Anti iPhone. For every iPhone 4 there is a HTC Evo, G2, Galaxy S, among others. Android is less show more features, unlike the iPhone which many people have bought for show. Android started out on T-Mobile with the G1 (HTC Dream), then went to Verizon with the Motorola Droid (Milestone in GSM markets). Sprint got into the action with an HTC phone, and AT&T was the last to get with Android with the Galaxy S. To date, AT&T limits its android phones to turn sales to the iPhone, and the other 3 major cell phone carriers emphasize their innovative phone features with their Android devices.
by 14th Street DC October 24, 2010
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Mexicaca is a derogatory term that is used when someone talks about a Mexican. It is usually used by a non Mexican Latino but other races have been known to use the term as well. The literal translation of Mexicaca is Mexi-Shit as caca means shit in Spanish.

The reason a Latino would normally use the word is because of US culture grouping every Latino as a Mexican. Thus hate grew towards the Mexican because they feel Mexico represents nothing of them and their home country. Others feel when they are called "Mexican" they are seen with the usual stereotypes of a Mexican.
John: "Hey Juan, where are you from?"
Juan: "Panama"
John: "What part of Mexico is that?"
Juan: "Shut your racist shit up! I'm not a Mexicaca!"

Pedro: "Mira ese Mexicaca." "El piensa que es la gran mierda!"
translation: Look at that Mexicaca. He thinks he's the shit!

Pablo: "Simon!" "Sucio culero." "Por eso odio esos Mexicacas!"
translation: Yeah man! Dirty faggot. That's why I hate those Mexicacas!
by 14th Street DC July 17, 2010
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To most of us, Appliance means a large electronic device used in the home. Appliances include refrigerators, washers, driers, ranges, ovens, and any other product designed to make life easier.

In the Dental world, an appliance is a device placed in a patient's mouth designed to correct the oral area. There are hundreds of dental appliances designed to do many things to the size of the mouth and the way it aligns with the upper and lower jaw.
1. I went to Best Buy to buy a GE washer. I also got the GE drier since it was on special. I am very satisfied with the efficiency of my new appliances.

2. Samantha went to the orthodontist today and was told the bad news that she would wear an appliance for 2 1/2 years. The appliance was to align her lower jaw with her upper jaw and create the perfect bite. Samantha was very traumatized from the social stigma received from the appliance as it caused her to lisp. She also had to deal with the pain of the appliance. It was not a fun experience for Samantha.
by 14th Street DC June 25, 2010
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Contrary to a post here, Aldi is a grocery store based in Germany with stores all over Europe and growing in America. The store is to the likes of Trader Joes where everything is cheap and generic brand. The food is good, just like the food you expect to get at the big boys like Safeway or Giant but made by a unknown brand with the same ingredients as the "name" brand.

Aldi has their stores around the same size as a Trader Joes and usually has around 6 to 8 aisles. In those aisles you find the food that you want, usually stacked up in boxes, not shelves to save money. Once the boxes are freed up they set them aside for those that don't want to pay for the reusable bags they have. Aldi is also known to have small gadgets and electronics for the home.

A typical Aldi trip consists of going to the store, getting a quarter out of your pocket and inserting it in the cart (you get the quarter back later. They do this so you won't leave the cart in the parking lot. Very efficient way of avoiding cart dings on your car), going inside the store, grabbing your generic groceries at a much decent price than the overpriced name brands at the "Supermarket", going home with some extra money in your pocket. Maybe making a trip to the other supermarket since Aldi doesn't stock up on certain things the supermarket does like junk food.
I went to Aldi today. Yes I did have to loan a quarter to the store to use their carts, but at least I don't worry about the car getting beat up by the carts. The food was very cheap and even though it's not a name brand tastes the same way as the name brand. I also got this new laptop that they randomly had there. I thought it was a good deal so I said why not? Next week I'll go back to buy food and see what other gizmo they have. I'm still enjoying the blender I got there last month.
by 14th Street DC July 17, 2010
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1. Prefix to denote "correction of".

2. Shortening or slang for Orthodontist.
1. Paul had to get orthopedic shoes due to his troublesome toes.

2. Samantha went to the Ortho today. Things were the same old for her. Check up her braces, tighten them, inflict pain.
by 14th Street DC June 25, 2010
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Privately owned Cable company and subsidiary of Cox Enterprises, which currently operates in Metro areas and serves 6.2 Million customers in 17 states which are


They are also the sole Cable provider in Rhode Island.

Besides Rhode Island they do not have a big footprint and are 3rd largest preceded by Comcast and Time Warner.

Like all service monopolies, customer service is not a top priority. They are known to piss many people off and chase them out to Satellite TV since each cable company has a monopoly in the areas they serve.

Cox also offers Internet and Phone, and will give you the triple play offer which is Cable, Internet, and phone for $100. Otherwise though, their services are expensive. It is not unheard of to pay for $100 on digital cable alone with Cox after taxes and rental fees. The company goes as far as charging a rental fee for the REMOTE.

As far as Cox internet goes, for the most part, it is competitive with DSL. Most of their packages are $3 to $5 more or less than DSL's equivalent. Service is not the best and you will always find yourself stressing when calling the customer service line, for all of Cox services.
Cox cable sucks balls. I payed $50 for basic cable before switching to Satellite. Their Internet is decent I guess. You can't really complain if you have Verizon as the other option for Internet. Still sucks though. Their phone service after the smoke and mirrors isn't that pleasant. It's almost like Verizon which charges you for other phone features, most which come standard on cell phones. Even the prepaid ones.
by 14th Street DC June 24, 2010
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Sometimes spelled "Chente", Chent is a person of a Latin American country who has immigrated to the U.S. but has not assimilated to the culture of the area that he has immigrated to.

A real chent cannot speak fluent English or has a strong accent when speaking English. They also tend to be near people from their original country. They will only talk in English when necessary.

Most chents will try to "holler" at any female they see. Whistling as well as saying Spanish phrases such as "Coño" "Mira esa jeva" "La quiero pisar" etc. are very common for them to do.

Chents dress in different styles, but their personalities stand them out.

Chents usually hang out around Garden Apartments, Hispanic bars and restaurants where they drink and blast "Ranchera" music. "Reggaeton" & "Bachata" is another favorite when dealing with the younger chents.

Chents are seen driving old beat up cars from Honda, Toyota and Nissan. Rarely do they drive cars not made by those companies. The cars are usually given petty modifications to try to make them look decent.

Chents usually live in Metro areas such as the DC Metro area (where the term originated). They either live in the city or in a suburb of the Metro area.

Most people confuse chents with illegal immigrants because of their similar characteristics, but most chents hold a green card. Many people call others a chent without truly knowing the meaning. To properly identify a chent they have to show more than one quality of chent behavior.
A real chent will drive a 91 Honda Accord with paint oxidation, rust, dings, dents and torn interior but will put a system in the car and drive while blasting obnoxious music. Having a "fart can" or a "spoiler" is optional. Bondo gray may be on parts of the car.

An assimilated Hispanic would drive a 91 Honda Accord, but would fix the car up tastefully to have a show car and future classic when it reaches 25 years of age. Sound system is optional. Most assimilated Hispanics are diverse and would drive more than a Honda.

A real chent can be spotted drinking Corona around the local Hispanic food restaurant buying half of the obnoxious songs in the jukebox They would also hit on the waitresses and leave extremely drunk.

An assimilated Hispanic would go to the local Hispanic restaurant eat and tip the waitress the normal 15%. Drinking would be done in moderation if at all. They may or may not use the jukebox to buy a song or two so long its not "Ranchera".

A real chent would hang out outside their housing complex and drink (Corona) with their group (chents) while heckling the other residents of the complex. (usually female in attempts to get laid).

An assimilated Hispanic would hang out with a variety of friends doing healthy activities and trying new customs. In the dating scene, most are respectful people who are looking for a long term relationship.

"Assimilated Hispanic" refers to those whom have truly assimilated or grew up with the culture of their Residential area.
by 14th Street DC May 18, 2010
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