129 definitions by Emma

i think charvas are propa belta.atleast they arnt like them scanky fuckin hippies and goths. well thats from emma
charvas are o.k i think
by Emma December 17, 2003
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when a girl with no legs drags herself across the sandy beach and her cooch gets rammed with sand
its sandy
by Emma February 19, 2004
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Nickname for sarah!for babies that can't pronounce sarah!!
Hi Seeba!!
Wut's up seeba?
How ya doin Seeba?
by Emma August 5, 2004
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Stoner 1: Brookline: a town full of stoners with reading dissabilities who cant spell and love sublime
Stoner 2: dude i'm a really good reader
Stoner 1: but can you spell?
Stoner 2: ...no
Stoner 1: well, there ya go
"I smoke two joints in the morning, i smoke two joints at night. I smoke two joints in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright..." - sublime
by Emma December 31, 2005
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angela aka alla
alla time is when angela has her stupid moments she stupid in every way
in other words shes another jessica simpson
its ok angela i still love you
what is it chicken or tuna
liquid or ice
i didnt know buffalos had wings
by Emma October 20, 2004
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A quiet, wigger-infested town of about 5000 in Lancaster County. Where the most interesting event is the farmshow.

Not Manheim Township, I'm talking about the orginal Manheim. Home of the all-powerful budget-consuming Baron football team.
Kid 1: Yo D00Dz letz go 2 da Oasis n smoke up!
Kid 2: Naw man, dat place iz lyke full of hookerz.
Kid 3: W0rd Z?

Person 1: Hey, want 2 go 2 Eric's prty? It's gonna b crzy!!!
Person 2: D00d, da Farmshow's dis week.

Kid 1: Lyke, where d0 u live?
Kid 2: In da ghetto of Charlotte Street, dawg.

Kid 1: Hey, want to go to the golf game on Saturday?
Kid 2: Screw dat, Baron's go 2 states on Saturday, dawg.
by Emma January 6, 2005
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