129 definitions by emma
Strap on a pair, such as a pair of testicles. (bravery?)
if you have a pair strapped on, people might call you arrogant
hey, you might even be arrogant for strapping them on in the first place :)
if you have a pair strapped on, people might call you arrogant
hey, you might even be arrogant for strapping them on in the first place :)
by emma May 11, 2004
like normal rock climbing, buildering takes place in an urban setting on man-made objects such as buildings. usually only practiced by those crazy rock climbers, the point is to spot a very climb-able looking surface and attempt to scale it in sneakers with no other equipment.
by emma August 23, 2004
extremely Gorgouse, one of the best actors on the face of the earth. Everyone should see Sleepy Hollow, Blow, Ed Wood, Gilbert Grape, Pirates, Chocolate, and ofcourse Edward Scisor hands ect. ect. Absoltuly fabulous in everyway
Girl: Did you see that hot guy over there?
Person 2: Almost as bangable as Johnny depp; the hotest man alive
Person 2: Almost as bangable as Johnny depp; the hotest man alive
by emma January 19, 2004
The nickname that Mr. Hopson (7th grade Lakeside Middle School in Seattle Biology teacher) uses in class, especially with a certain group of boys that are special in their own little way.
by emma December 8, 2004
adj. A word made up by Emma one night whilst trying to describe the devastation that is Jen's bedroom.
Her bedroom is so messy, it's like a tornado hit it. We all have our tornadoey moments? or something?
by emma November 16, 2004
by emma March 17, 2005