129 definitions by Emma

Sad pathetic losers, who think they are Emos just because they made their parents buy them a pair of converses. They buy lots of albums such as Taking Back Sunday's and make sure everybody knows, so that they appear to be and emo and to be included in the scene. however they still buy their clothes from mark one, and were townie jeans and tops and don't understand at all what they are getting into. they think they're really cool, but the people who really are emos think they are sad and generally pity them.
WannabeEmo: Look at me!i'm a emo!

Emo: No your not, so shut up.
by Emma March 27, 2005
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An expression used during the holiday times, especially Chrismukkah, made popular by Seth Cohen on "The O.C." Combination of oy vey and bah humbug
Oy Humbug! I still have a lot of Chrismukkah shopping to do!
by Emma December 7, 2003
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SO FU***ING funk... yeh deffffff
by Emma August 18, 2003
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A person that u dont officially have a "crush" on or "like" but would say yes if they asked u out, and are agreeable to hang out with.
"That guy is my affectee... if he asked me out, I'd TOTALLY say yes!"
by Emma January 2, 2005
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A sad soul who is being taken advantage of without realizing it
-Dude, I need a ride to the party.
-Ask (insert name here). He's a tool.
by Emma February 16, 2003
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Old yorkshire speak, part of a phrase.

If you cast nasturtiums upon someones character you perhaps imply that they have done something they shouldnt have done.
"I do hope you're not casting nasturtiums about my character young lady"
by Emma March 9, 2005
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tyffanie aka fanie an azn that doesnt get the jokes in other words a joke is told 5 min later she laughs
she is also known for laughing at her own jokes when no one else is laughing

yes what a weirdo she even says stuff out loud about anything and doesnt know what she just said

its ok fanie ur still the hottest azn i know and the only azn chick i love
by Emma October 20, 2004
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