
Why you Neil
by LILHEBREW69 January 26, 2019
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A Neil is the best boy you could ever meet he is nice, caring, and has an amazing smile if you find yourself a neil don’t let him go
Man I wish I had someone like Neil
by Cool_kids February 15, 2018
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Neil is a name used for boys.

Its Lit🔥
by Oreo9 December 20, 2017
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He loves to play soccer and a lot of stuff. He is simply just a god.
He is Neil (A God)
by god that loves humans March 8, 2019
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A 'Neil' is a person of awesome intellect who shows good character, charm, wit and good manners in everything he does.
Sean is definetely not a Neil. He is an anti-neil.
by Nirm March 20, 2007
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A Neil is a person who is liked by an Ashley. And he is supa hot.
Ashley: " Look at him, Oh he is super cute, and sweet!"
Julia: " Yeah, that is cause he is a Neil."
by MeLlamoDePio December 13, 2017
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A type of guy you never want to loose. He is the most respectful,caring,smart,and funniest person in the world. And of course is cute (hot). If a Neil ever asks you out say yes he will change your world for the better. If you say no you will regret it soon after.
Neil is so hot,can he just ask me out already.
by Mackenzie B-K January 10, 2018
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