13 definitions by 1

Quite possibly the funniest show this year, there is never a dull moment and the cast kick ass especially Lt. Dangle and his man panties.
watch it every tuesday at 10 EST on Comedy Central or you will go to hell.
by 1 July 14, 2005
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The Person Who Might have raised you, normally a woman
by 1 October 1, 2003
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JediYoshis least worst nightmore thing
by 1 February 9, 2003
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Wow, Seriously they are one of the many reasons rap is looked down upon, seriously their lyrics are the worst thing on the western hemisphere and their singer is average; I can go through my school and find 9 hand full of just as good singers. Really talentless group and an I.Q. of a bowl of pubes. In an interview this is what one of them said "People ask us why we dont do gangsta rap, we rap what we know and thats women we give it 138%"

Seriously what the hell was he talking about. Idiot.
Zombie girl with no taste in music and listens to whatever is popular because she is to shallow to have an opinion and mind of her own: That PRETTY RICKY ALBUM IS GOOD, I PUT IT UP THEIR WITH YOUNG JEEZY AND NELLY BECAUSE THEIR ARE SO ORIGINAL, DIFFERENT AND UNIQUE.

Me: Listen to black sabbath or if you hate rock because you completely misunderstand it all for just screaming bullshit, Listen to Nas Bitch.
by 1 September 23, 2005
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A.k.a. Principal that is fat.
Mrs. Goddard waddles down the hall like a penquin.
by 1 December 5, 2003
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adequate vagina that you at least ejaculate 3 times while inside, you also fall right to sleep only to wake up with your parents in the other room and the girl on the phone with her mom.
MAN o girl had some killa pussy, i want to hit that shit again.
by 1 January 8, 2005
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