43 definitions by СукаБлять

To blow up in your face. Kinda like how the Galaxy S7 does.
Damn, that plan really S7'd.
by СукаБлять January 16, 2017
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Multiple men having sex with the same woman.

Many crazy people in one area. Come in all shapes and sizes.
Man, that woman is getting assorted nuts.

This place is full of assorted nuts.
by СукаБлять January 26, 2015
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What to use when you have to kill every last thing in a large area.
Oh man, there are too many {insert living beings here} here, time to bust out the orbital strike.
by СукаБлять January 4, 2015
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What ALL 50 states in the US need.
I live in a legal state, Michigan. I started smoking at age 19 and it has helped with so many things from depression to social anxiety to my chronic back pain. If all states had legal weed, a lot of issues today's generations face would be much easier to cope with.
by СукаБлять February 4, 2022
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When you fuck a whore and get her pregnant. Congratulations you're gonna be a dad whether you like it or not.
I just fucked a whore and got her pregnant! The whorror!
by СукаБлять October 11, 2017
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pair of (f)ugg(ly) shoes. Looks worse than an empty ballsack AKA teabag (other definitions of it)

4-Just plain ugly
Eww UGG-ly shoes. Hot girl. Uggs. Damn why? I would date her if she got rid of those horrendous shoes.
by СукаБлять January 5, 2015
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