22 definitions by ɯ

A type of drug that was originally used for the kick of benzylpiperazine. But now it is used for only the kick of LSD or other hallucinogenics to give the trippy effect. While thy are not anything close to deadly, it is still unhealthy to take them. They do not cure any sickness.

Side effects: Migraine headaches, Cluster headaches, Seizures.
I popped a couple party pills last night and I could hardly wake up this morning. That LSD was strong.
by ɯ August 24, 2018
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Xanax tabs. A more easily found drug for anxiety and depression,

just go to your doctor and say you have intense back pains or say you

want to die and any doctor over 40 will prescribe you some sort of

My doctor prescribes me a bottle of chill pills each month for my anxiety, but after only 2 pills I'm out cold.
by ɯ August 24, 2018
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An annoying teen who lives in New York City that gets every single new hypebeast item, no matter how ugly it is.
Everyone nowadays is such an annoying little Yorker, I cannot even deal with it.
by ɯ August 23, 2018
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What you say once you speak in all caps on accident. Stands for 'attack of the caps'.
"HEY, WHAT'S UP? Oh sorry aotc"
by ɯ August 28, 2018
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A deadly drug cocktail made from Red bull, codeine, and 2 or 3 xanax tabs.

Named Dalton Highway after the highway, which is one of the most

dangerous roads ever.
Dalton Highway really wakes you up, man.
by ɯ August 23, 2018
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