23 definitions by [TOM] ThunderDawg

proper noun, i.e, Zynga Bingo. The vast majority of more than 23 million Zynga Poker Players do not know how to play Texas Hold'em Poker, so they play Zyngo. They go All-In, all the time, before the Flop, without regard to their hole cards. When someone wins, they proclaim "BINGO!". On regular tables, they leave after winning a Zyngo. In tournaments, a Zyngo win on the first hand means you then have a 90% chance of winning the tournament, unless you continue to play Zyngo.
I can't play Zyngo anymore, it's sucks too hard.
by [TOM] ThunderDawg November 1, 2010
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An American Political Movement that is obsessed with the fact that they have to pay taxes, like every other human who has ever lived on Earth, and hysterical because of it. Their stupidity soars to new levels not yet achieved by the rest of Humanity. And they intend to prove Darwin wrong by breeding faster than anyone with above average intelligence.
The TeaTards may actually succeed in making this an Idiocracy by the end of this century.
by [TOM] ThunderDawg October 13, 2010
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The Ballot Lottery, where the person you vote for only has a 50/50 odds of actually representing you, and even if they win, it doesn't matter, because the other party won't work with them anyway. So you always lose.
There really aren't any winners of the Ballottery.
by [TOM] ThunderDawg October 18, 2010
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Acronym for Parasitic Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, which describes a game so parasitic, that it sucks the very Life Blood out of you. You practically have to be online 24/7, and it is worse than a job you hate but cannot quit.
Mafia Wars has become a PMMORPG. I can barely break away from it for an hour.
by [TOM] ThunderDawg October 14, 2010
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A Podunk City in Palm Beach County, Florida, that is famously known as "The Home of the Newlywed and Nearly Dead", due to low rent crackerbox housing on 15-foot wide properties throughout the downtown area, and lettered and numbered streets. The Podunk Municipal Electric Company has an average of 700 power outages every year. A College Dropout, Inventory Stocking Clerk at Target is a City Commissioner, and
Lake Worth, Florida is as Podunk a town as you get.

Welcome to Lake Worth, please set your watches back Fifty Years.
by [TOM] ThunderDawg December 6, 2010
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Scare tactics the Media use every day to scare the bejesus out of its audience, to improve ratings. They have to keep you afraid of something, so that you'll rely on them to stay one step ahead of the Boogeyman.
Q: What's the latest Boogeymania?

A: Traces of cancer-causing nicotene left on everything in a room where someone has smoked tobacco products, the so-called 3rd hand smoke.
by [TOM] ThunderDawg December 11, 2010
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Zynga-dicted™ (ZIN-guh-DIC-ted), adj., is a de facto trademark of Zynga, Inc. It describes someone who is hooked up on Internet Crack, and totally devoid of a life.

see also,

ZyngAddict™ (ZINg-AD-dict), n., a person who is hooked up on Internet Crack, and totally devoid of a life.

Note the adjective has only one "d".
Oh, man, he doesn't work, bathe, or go outside. He must be Zynga-dicted™.

I'm tired of all the ZyngAddicts™ on Facebook. All they do is SPAM that fucking nonsense all over my nice neat wall. I had to ban all those God Damn ZyngAddicts™.
by [TOM] ThunderDawg September 19, 2010
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