Infinity plus shipping and handling is similar to infinity plus one. It stems from the idea that everything has shipping and handling tacked on when ordered.
"Does anybody know what's larger than infinity?"


"No, infinity plus shipping and handling"

by Bryan B June 3, 2005
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To teach a lesson to.
"I got schooled on that server last night by some f*cking hackers."

"I ended up scoring with that chick last night...Yeah I took her to school."

"It was a great fight. Tyson took that guy straight to school!"
by The_Lion October 17, 2003
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noun. A crippling disease that strikes high school seniors. Symptoms include: laziness, an over-excessive wearing of track pants, old athletic shirts, sweatpants, athletic shorts, and sweatshirts. Also features a lack of studying, repeated absences, and a generally dismissive attitude. The only known cure is a phenomenon known as Graduation.
Why didn't study for your math test Kuhns?

Oh, who studies for a math test anyways. I got senioritis.
by Joe C. November 11, 2004
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Life itself; knowledge (and wisdom) gained by working for it, and not necessarily from a book.
You can learn more common sense from the school of hard knocks, than from most any university.
by tradesman June 15, 2004
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Your Biological parents, or care takers.

Mom and Pop.
The Damn rents are home this weekend so the party can't be here.
by BillyGoat November 15, 2002
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short for "keep it positive." to maintain a positive outlook. used by emokids, skaters, etc
Bob: look i colored a picture of a lion

Karen: it looks like shit. the color is all over the place. you didn't stay within the lines.

mom: hey you two! keep it posi, or no macaroni for lunch!
by sanna May 28, 2005
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Wow this new video game is my bang piece!
by tovah May 17, 2005
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