I word used to describe when a person jacks off to much to porn and cant do anything for a few hours.
I was having such a bad porn hangover last night that i couldnt go out.
by ParadoxSync February 28, 2009
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n. someone who specialises in dating seemingly unattractive people that later blossom into fitties.
"Did you see Dave's missus, she's a 9/10". "She used to be such a munter, though. He's such an investment banger."
by doctort123 July 24, 2015
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When someone steals Apple Products such as iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches, and other stuff created by Apple.
Person 1: Some guy was Apple Picking his iPhone.
Person 2: I still have my iPad on my backpack to avoid that Apple Picker.
Person 1: I think that guy wanted an iPhone so bad.
Person 2: I hope I don't get robbed...
by Nyker2000 September 19, 2012
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What your girlfriend hopes to achieve by "forgetting" to taker her pill, thus guaranteeing that you'll have to spend the rest of your now ruined life with her... or that you'll have to run from the law forever to avoid child support.
I caught my girlfriend flushing her pill and poking holes in all the condoms... I think she wants an anchor baby.
by Joshua Sweeney April 24, 2006
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1) A sarcastic expression used to denote annoyance or frustration.
2) A term used when you just dont give a fuck
3) Look, my dick and balls are bigger than yours.
"Hey let me borrow your car."
"Why don't you borrow deez nuts."
by PMR February 25, 2003
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(n.) a single section of bathroom tissue.
"That guy keeps pissing on the floor in our bathroom and leaving his shit tickets in our trash can. Who the fuck does that; takes a shit and throws their disgusting shit tickets in the trash after? That's pretty fucked up."
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Nene's clubbing routine for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday include going to Origin, the Grand, Bootie SF, and when everyone else wants to go home, she rounds up the troops to head to The End Up.

Wow, what a ratchrat.

Dude, i know.
by Micro danger July 21, 2015
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