
The small, remaining ends of marijuana cigarettes are called roaches. Avid marijuana users often save the ends for a rainy day, as they have concentrated amounts of resin and THC. "Roaching" is the act of gathering these ends, smoking them, and getting extremely high.
We ran out of weed, man, so we're roaching.
by Ophelia Corsinicus October 21, 2005
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when someone sneaks behind other people's backs to manipulate them for their own benefit. Like cockroaches, they run whenever the lights are turned on. A couple of people in particular were my inspiration for this term.
when someone goes behind your back to try to turn a situation to their advantage, that person is roaching.
by roach hater April 29, 2011
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Verb - The act of begging or looking for handouts. Broke people who never have anything and always want what you have.
If there's one thing I can't stand is roaching ass women at the club always trying to get a free drink.
by Donae' November 6, 2007
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Saving a marijuana cigarette butt (roach) to smoke later.
"I'm roaching this for later."
by lectricmania October 21, 2005
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A dog that lays on its back with all four legs in the air--like a dead cockroach--is commonly described as "roaching."
Fido is roaching on the couch.
by ECGM October 17, 2005
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Roaching, to out a Joint near the end in order to smoke later/save. -Not- to be confused with filters which are created by rolling stiff paper and inserting it into the end of the Joint.
"roaching a joint with a filter in it is stupid as it can be smoked all the way down"
by Hightimes November 7, 2005
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a person who always begs, mooches off of another person
if someone you know comes over only after you've gone grocey shopping, and chills long enough to eat all of your food. he or she is roaching.
by pinoke October 21, 2005
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