Just Googled. When a friend announces some random thing like you should already know it but you don't so you have to Google.
by Notsan1 September 16, 2021
The gaming abbreviation of Jeff Goldblum, typed or yelled when you are in danger and need to be saved.
Like that time in Jurassic Park when Jeff Goldblum saved that dude by waving a flare around to distract the T-Rex.
Like that time in Jurassic Park when Jeff Goldblum saved that dude by waving a flare around to distract the T-Rex.
by rxwxtxfallenx May 22, 2010
JG, otherwise known as Juicy Gossip. Used to describe gossip that is particularly succulent, often concerning specific individuals.
by boffintim June 15, 2010
Jealous Girl. A girl who is only a friend of a guy, yet is totally jealous of any attention he gets from other women.
by MeNeverU April 14, 2010
To take load off the way too used abb. LOL, JG will work for the normal smile, so LOL can be used for its real purpose, being the times you actually laugh out loud. JG then meaning Just Grinning.
by Knuti June 9, 2006
by Martel November 14, 2004
friend 1: What's the plan for tonight?
friend 2: Just made a res for pizza at 7, be over soon
friend 1: jgs!
friend 2: Just made a res for pizza at 7, be over soon
friend 1: jgs!
by OGbrit September 17, 2016