a term used when you are mentally or physically exhausted.
“I was going to go to the store today but I was zeeped
by GizmoTaylor September 14, 2018
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I’m going to watch some zeeps
by June 27, 2021
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A random word used when there is nothing else to say. Often used to relieve anger. Often said for no reason at all.

Similar to zeeee.
"Zeeep! Zeep! Zeep!"
by cdd527 November 1, 2004
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A synonym for Smeg - the rotten cheesy bit of leftovers from sexual activity or the build up from when a bloke has left it too long to wash their member.
I didn't have a shower for the whole weekend, my Zeep build up was out of control - it Stank!
by Banter Claus 1 November 19, 2018
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A person who is acting immature or drunk-like when they are actually sober and laughing hysterically about it.
Tom is such a zeep lately; he keeps stealing my pencils and shoving them up his nose.
by Krazy Kyle September 18, 2006
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in a state of absolutely no stress, whilst not necessarily being in bliss
"bro I'm zeeped out rn, like a sheep"
by Echidna142 July 13, 2023
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Zeep Zoop means you're a complete disappointment to your entire family
"yo, that guy over there is such a zeep zoop. Pretty sure I saw that guy stiffing chairs in McDonald's"
by reserved_observer May 30, 2020
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