Hiking at night; accessories advised for this adventure are your yoming boots, yoming crop, yoming gloves, hat and protective face gear. It is best to remove all jewelry before yoming, and be sure to shower before and after yoming excursion. anything found while yoming you can keep to yourself or show to others.
i went yoming the other day, LOL *yom*

i thought you lost your yoming crop!
you only need that when we're riding camels, you know that!
by bawlsexXx August 14, 2008
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moulin, meaning black, yom meaning anyone of a non caucasian decent. french/italian term for nigger.
by Stebbins56 August 9, 2007
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When a Jew gets so ecxited during the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, that he or she has an orgasm.
Woah, Goldstein just had a Yom Kippurgasm when he found that coupon! Must be the Yom Kippur holiday spirit!
by q34f53tr December 1, 2009
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Horny pepperoni nipple licker who likes boys and especially people named Andrew
Connor Yom, please report to the main office. You have raped a dog
by 500iq May 28, 2019
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A stereotypically jewish car, most commonly a big Caddy with Florida liscence plates.
Some old bluehair almost ran me down in her Yom Kippur Clipper.
by pontifex maximus January 27, 2005
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Historic war started on October 6, 1973 between Israel and Three Arab nations (Iraq, Syria and Egypt) when the Arabs sneak attacked Israel on her holiest day of the year (which is a religious national holiday) and even that didn't help them much.

The war was ended by a UN cease-fire order (October 22), shortly before Egypt gets its army completely destoyed.

The combatants met in Camp David (1978) and that led to signing the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty (1979), for the fear that arabs would lose a war ever again.
Arabs got their sorry asses kicked on Yom Kippur War.
by McName November 8, 2007
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Yiddish slang that translates into "go take a shit in the ocean."
"You can gey cocken offen yom if you expect me to pay $5.00 for ground beef."
by creedmoor October 11, 2004
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