
A car that has been heralded as one of the best automobiles ever made. Reason being? Selling at just under $24,000, it offers acceleration and, more importantly, handling of cars way out of its price range. On top of that, it has AWD and four doors, thus blending space, security, practicality, and ruggedness with high performance driving.
"Automobile of the Year: Subaru WRX"
"One of Car and Driver's Ten Best"
etc. on and on and on and on and on....
by Subie August 18, 2003
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227Hp, 2.0 liter turbocharged boxer engine screaming to be driven with its remarkable AWD system. Probably one of the msot sinister vehicles for the price, bring on the ricers, cause this isn't your moms honda's civic.
by -B- March 7, 2005
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(noun) short for Subaru Impreza WRX which is short for Subaru Impreza World Rally Experimental, which is a car made bu Fuji Heavy Industries in Japan.
MY 2004 WRX will eat your ugly riced out piece of crap civic.
by Fez October 28, 2003
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Yeah... WRX's have amazing handling. Unlike a RWD Corvette, Impreza's are AWD, so they drive in the snow and rain and whatever. They are beautiful vehicles.
The STi is the hottest car you can get for 30 g's
by Phrost June 2, 2003
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an automobile made by the Subaru Corporation whose interior smells curiously like a new pair of athletic shoe.
My new Nikes smell like a WRX.
by netteach March 14, 2003
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A fully sick car me cuz Mohammod has, it has a fully sick turbo... snaps ya average bogan mobile mate coz its fully sick..

Me rexy got them AWD thingos that bogans dun have.. CHOPS V8s mate

Its got them Sony subwoofers mate, fully sick.. sick mate sick


Even me sister Fatima drives one, she can fully kick ya mum's commodore mate..
Check me fully sick WRX bro, its got me 6inch exhaust mate, and chops bogan mobiles mate..

sick WRX mate sick...
by Habibi Muckmood November 9, 2004
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a XIAOmobile that many wannabe-rally people want. Usually blue in color and has a big fart can.
"My Wrx can mow faces in the rally curcuit! Watch out SKYLINE ill pwn you on dirt!"
by blah January 2, 2005
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