an acient typing device your parents used after walking home from school through ten-foot snow drifts uphill both ways
Hey Karen! Look at this new typewriter i got! it even has automatic return!
by none January 15, 2004
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The act of pinning someone down and jamming your fingers into their collar bone, "typing", and then backhanding them to start a new line on the page. The processes is repeated as many times as desired.
"What happened to him?"
"Oh he just got typewritered."
by english.muffin July 31, 2012
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The act of pinning someone down, and using the tips of your fingers to type on their upper chest, tickling them tremendously.
"Bob, if you don't be quiet, I'm going to have to typewriter you!"
by Sally Joe November 18, 2007
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the longest word that can be typed using only the top keys
typewriter- is that a COINCIDENCE?
by letusbeus December 2, 2006
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A device with a keyboard that makes slapping sounds when you try to use it to connect to the internet.

Typical usage by a teenager:

Jesus - this fucking piece of shit typewriter doesn't have wireless.
by Joshua James October 12, 2006
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a word typed with only the top row of the keyboard.
by Anonymous April 11, 2003
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Typewriter is the reason behind the least effective keyboard layout ever devised becoming a standard. Also known as QWERTY it is the primary source of fingerjams on a computer keyboard.
by The Magnificent Bloke July 18, 2008
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