turn to

To start working. A U.S. Navy expression.

See turn and burn
"Alright! Let's turn to."
by acemery February 6, 2005
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drink alcoholic beverages /drinking alcoholic beverages, for the purpose of intoxication; get drunk/the process of getting drunk (From "Turning one's glass/can up ;To raise a glass/can in drink
"God, I made a FOOL out of myself last night and trashed the Camaro, but , what the hell, I was turning, so, it was fun...I think..."
by BIGFOOT October 25, 2003
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Turn on

When one turns on the lights to read their holy bible
i’m just gonna go turn on the lights and grab my bible
by srleady June 6, 2020
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turn in

John: "I'm gonna go turn in."

Robert: "Good night!"
by turnturnturn March 13, 2010
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turn on

A turn on is something that makes you really excited or really horny. when you're with your lover..it makes you want more.
Moaning is such a turn on.
by Kees_Chick March 28, 2005
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turned on

I'll bet he was turned on when he saw her with her pants down. We all know he is a pervert.
by Light Joker November 6, 2005
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Turn in

Turn in your assignments.
by shantothegreat February 26, 2018
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