November 15th, 2019, the date that Donald Trump’s removal as history’s most corrupt President was guaranteed, as 1.) He was seen to obstruct justice by posting negative Tweets regarding Ambassador Vovanovitch while she was testifying in a public Congressional Presidential impeachment hearing. This was regarded as witness tampering. 2) Trump’s long-time political advisor Roger Stone was found guilty on seven counts of lying under oath, witness tampering and obstructing a congressional committee proceeding in a misguided effort to protect Trump and, 3.) A State Department aide , testifying in a closed Congressional hearing reported on a telephone conversation he and others overheard between Trump and his EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland proving that he was withholding military aid and the promise of a White House meeting to leverage Ukraine’s new President into conducting a bogus investigation into his chief political rival Joe Biden. (Also known as the Trump Triple play)
The Trump Trifecta marked the beginning of the end of the Trump Administration
by ThorMonster November 16, 2019
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Used whenever a situation is annoying like Trump. "Like Trump" can be used with any negative emotion such as frustrating, saddening and the list goes on.
"Martha, stop complaining so much, it annoys me like Trump"

"Dude, I simply can't get this girl to notice me, it frustrates me like Trump"
by Fearlize February 5, 2017
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420th President of the United States
He started his career at age 12 Working as a Mc. Donalds Employee, at age 14 he got fired for being a Simp
He started becoming a president at the age of 69, and currently has a criminal record of stealing everyone's burger
Ronald Mc. Trump is the 420th President of the United States of America
by LePost James March 27, 2020
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Anyone whose mother seems like she may have smoked and or drank during pregnancy.
I think that guy may have the Trump Nicotine Syndrome (TNS).
by Bobuzan December 9, 2018
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One hundred time the normal level of butt-hurt. Highest form of being a sore loser.
Their team has been awful all season. Why are they so trump-hurt because they lost today.
by JAR724 November 7, 2020
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When someone immediately counters criticism of Donald Trump by accusing the person of having TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).
1: I think it's bad that Donald Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election. He should not have done that.

2: You literally have TDS!

1: Well you have Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome (TDSDS), you accuse me of having TDS every time i criticize Trump.
by Solheim July 6, 2024
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What you need to exhibit when you need to portray an image scarier than a rabid, urinating, maskless bat from Wuhan singing in the choir, an image to rival that of the shit arranged for your consideration , you need ONLY be "Trump-shit crazy", a SOLID 11 dialled up on the crazy knob.
If a husband "pokes the bear" to make a point to his jealous wife, he had better peg his dial at 11, "Trump-shit crazy" if he expects to even be noticed as being "upset".
by You rReal Name July 2, 2020
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