to be explicitly drunk; inebriated

origin: sheets actually refer to the ropes that are used to secure a ship's sail. If the 3 ropes used were loose in the wind, the sail would flop around, causing the ship to wobble around, much like a drunk.
Margo was three sheets to the wind by the time we made it to Doug's party, judging by her inability to keep her clothes on.
by Bejammin H July 20, 2008
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Old sailing term. After setting all three main sails to the wind, a ship will shudder and roll, much like a stumbling drunk. Now used as a synonym for drunkenness.
Don't take notice of Angus, lad, he's three sheets to the wind.
by Rage from June 3, 2004
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This old saying indicating how a person walk after having too much to drink originated in New England. Wind mills used for grinding grain had four blades. Big sheets (similar to sails) where stretched across the blades (or woven between the slates). The wind mill would wobble when only three blades were loaded, hence the term "three sheets to the wind"
After consuming a bottle of rum, Bob was walking as if he had three sheets to the wind.
by Batwings August 30, 2006
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REALLY REALLY drunk. like, so drunk you just start saying random shit like "Brain boitano stole our ass spoones" or "stahy away, i go ta niphe".

sober up dude...
by anti February 9, 2005
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Three sheets to the wind: The condition a person arrives at after imbibing too much alcohol. When a person is very drunk on the verge of being out of control. Some where between “tipsy” and “snot-slinging” drunk. A Naval term that refers to a sailing ship traveling at the very highest limit of it’s speed.
After that Christmas party I was three sheets to the wind as I was walking home.
Those guys at the end of the bar are pretty much three sheets to the wind. It’s probably time to call them a cab.
by Hello-o-o-o-o December 16, 2011
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Being groggy and awareness-impaired due to there being one or more people nearby wif really "breezy" butts.
Everyone really pigged out at da free community baked-bean supper and then had an uproarious whizzpopping-party afterwards, and so a lot of dem went home totally "three sheets to the wind"!
by QuacksO March 22, 2023
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"I wish I could recall more, but at that point I was three sheets to the wind"
by Arminkshipper July 16, 2024
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