A Great White Shark.
the landlord is a term most commonly used by surfers. He is the landlord of the undersea world... the great white shark.
the landlord is a term most commonly used by surfers. He is the landlord of the undersea world... the great white shark.
by Hendo255 September 24, 2007
A person who purchases property and rents it out to others for a living. Landlords earn a profit by charging people to live on land that they own.
Landlords are controversial, and encountered renewed controversy in the late 2010s and early 2020s. Their controversy predates these years and even the internet (despite what some claim), however, as exemplified by Mao Zedong's large-scale purging of them. Some argue that landlords provide an invaluable service to society by allowing individuals to live somewhere for a price cheaper than purchasing a property on their own. Renters typically do not have to do large-scale repairs, nor do they pay directly for the bills involved in the day-to-day managing of the property (although their rent goes toward it), however these things are at the discretion of the landlord.
Others argue that landlords do not provide a real service, and simply purchase properties that could be provided to others for a far smaller price or even none at all. Further, they argue, the fact that landlords own property that they usually do not live in only to charge others to live there means that their income relies on "exploiting" those who need shelter.
In this sense, one's opinion on landlords serves as a marker for their view on the function of society at large, principally their view on the economic system in which they currently live (which is usually capitalism).
Landlords are controversial, and encountered renewed controversy in the late 2010s and early 2020s. Their controversy predates these years and even the internet (despite what some claim), however, as exemplified by Mao Zedong's large-scale purging of them. Some argue that landlords provide an invaluable service to society by allowing individuals to live somewhere for a price cheaper than purchasing a property on their own. Renters typically do not have to do large-scale repairs, nor do they pay directly for the bills involved in the day-to-day managing of the property (although their rent goes toward it), however these things are at the discretion of the landlord.
Others argue that landlords do not provide a real service, and simply purchase properties that could be provided to others for a far smaller price or even none at all. Further, they argue, the fact that landlords own property that they usually do not live in only to charge others to live there means that their income relies on "exploiting" those who need shelter.
In this sense, one's opinion on landlords serves as a marker for their view on the function of society at large, principally their view on the economic system in which they currently live (which is usually capitalism).
by lazarusinhell June 3, 2023
A god. A chad. The man who makes it possible for you to live in a house for cheap and complain about it on the Internet.
by RedditMoment69420 August 7, 2020
by jd031398 September 24, 2018
A person who makes an honest living by purchasing property and then renting out space to tenants. Usually hated by said tenants because they seem to ignore the fact that the landlord had to pay for the property and is entitled to be reimbursed.
by MNYC September 9, 2005
Chad who generously provides shelter to ungrateful rentoids who do nothing but complain, have babies they can't afford, do drugs, depreciate the value of the landchad's god-endowed property, and be late on rent despite all the welfare they get (money the government takes from landchads's hard-earned income)
Rentoid: the landlord of my property is such a jerk
Landlord on the property intercom: I can hear you from the bugs I planted in your apartment. By the way rent is going up $500 next month
Landlord on the property intercom: I can hear you from the bugs I planted in your apartment. By the way rent is going up $500 next month
by landownersunited March 16, 2022
That jackass who demands to be paid at the end of the month, even if you have to sell blood and semen to get the money.
by Tornadoman July 5, 2005