by Oppais March 30, 2020
by Anonymous07945 April 28, 2016
by ZuFe December 1, 2011
by Badoink420 January 6, 2019
The most inspiring cartoon character on television.
Why? Because Squidward never gives up on his dreams.
No matter how many times Spongebob ruins his day, he still continues to strive for a better one.
No matter how many times he fails at clarinet, he continues to play and try to get better so that he can one day become famous for it.
No matter how many rotten tomatoes get thrown at him because he is a horrible dancer, he continues to dance and shoot for the stars.
No matter how many times his arch enemy with the unibrow tells him he’s worthless, he continues to climb back up and try to impress him.
No matter how many paintings are rejected and unliked by people, he continues to paint because he believes he is a great artist.
That, my dear children, is dedication. I think we could all learn a little bit from good old Squidward Tentacles.
He has self confidence and never gives up on his dreams, which is something we can all learn from.
Why? Because Squidward never gives up on his dreams.
No matter how many times Spongebob ruins his day, he still continues to strive for a better one.
No matter how many times he fails at clarinet, he continues to play and try to get better so that he can one day become famous for it.
No matter how many rotten tomatoes get thrown at him because he is a horrible dancer, he continues to dance and shoot for the stars.
No matter how many times his arch enemy with the unibrow tells him he’s worthless, he continues to climb back up and try to impress him.
No matter how many paintings are rejected and unliked by people, he continues to paint because he believes he is a great artist.
That, my dear children, is dedication. I think we could all learn a little bit from good old Squidward Tentacles.
He has self confidence and never gives up on his dreams, which is something we can all learn from.
Squidward Tentacles
by thiswilldie February 17, 2010
The Floor Tentacles are the most powerful gods in existence.
It is strengthened by the power of Furret, and the pope of the Floor Tentacle religion.
It has also made a new language called the Floortentacli.
It is comprised of the 5 elements:
and most importantly
The Floor
It is strengthened by the power of Furret, and the pope of the Floor Tentacle religion.
It has also made a new language called the Floortentacli.
It is comprised of the 5 elements:
and most importantly
The Floor
by We are the Floor Tentacles January 13, 2020
by Oniichan~!!! aAH!~~~ mmm! July 24, 2020