1. The word appendage takes place to show the need for change.
2.It also means a protrusion from something.
1.Gimme some fuggin crack
What for
2.Look at that appendage on his hand
Yo thats a wart
by princeofdarkness March 24, 2008
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Describing the need for change.
1:-Ah crap, I need some Tippex.
2:-What for?
by Hefelumpman March 24, 2005
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dick, penis, wang, milk maker, homemade ice cream machine, wanker, bird, hot dog, weiner, meat rod, genital stick, underdeveloped third leg, skin flute ,glory wand, infant starter, sausage roll, sock crisper, cream substitute, human fertilizer, jizz canon, ass destroyer
whoops it appears that i have sent thee a digital portrait of my phallic appendage
by governmentsarenotsupposetomilk February 17, 2023
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This word basically means that something, usually the more private parts are fake. It is used to mean something fake around the penis area, or for a girl, fake breasts.
Damn! I can just tell that guy to be real!
by Bobsquad August 6, 2005
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The leaf-covered branches used by plants to suffocate other plants, envelop structures, or surprise people in the face.
V: "Man, I always feel like plants are trying to kill me with their leafy appendages.

A: I hate it when I get surprised in the face by a leafy appendage!
by acerobertZ May 18, 2015
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