Bad mutha's who are opposite of townie's. Obsession with black, metal music, and peaceful violent acts...?
Often wear long leather coats and get called "Hey Matrix"... with sad unorignality...
Often wear long leather coats and get called "Hey Matrix"... with sad unorignality...
by Lord Seth March 23, 2004
by mr t April 21, 2005
The grammatically incorrect way to spell “sweety,” (mainly used on Tumblr or Twitter)
An online joke/meme
Usually used in an argument or jokes amongst friends
An online joke/meme
Usually used in an argument or jokes amongst friends
When somebody tries to come for you but you know you’re right.
“Nice try, sweaty!”
“Listen sweaty....”
“First of all, sweaty”
“Nice try, sweaty!”
“Listen sweaty....”
“First of all, sweaty”
by Tragedywtf October 22, 2017
1. When a girl is being sarcastic and often referring to a time she called someone out.
2. When someone forgets the difference between sweet and sweat
2. When someone forgets the difference between sweet and sweat
Girl 1: "And then I said "um sweatie, you BEST not be talking to me that way""
Girl 2: "haha you tell her bitch"
Girl 2: "haha you tell her bitch"
by ChuckLunk4 July 23, 2017
Someone who is really good or very enthusiastic about something like a lesson. For example always puts their hand up and knows the answer to all the questions. Usually used as an insult. Originates from Leicester.
by Qazwsxedcrfvv November 30, 2012
(adj.) To be absolutely nasty, amazing, dominant, etc. at something, particularly a video game. The origin of the term comes from gamers who play so hard and focus so intensely that they begin to perspire while playing their video games.
by C the Savage April 10, 2020
Adjective that was created by Jon Schnepp that describes someone who takes on the geek culture and loves everything about it and can talk about geek stuff for hours.
by Edmont12 July 24, 2018