58 definitions by The Strut

Name for rock-hard nipples. Only attainable if girl is completely turned on.
"How did it go with Claire last night?"
"Brilliant, her nipples were bullets."
by The Strut October 12, 2004
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Oral pleasure normally given by the older generation as they have no teeth.
"I heard that there Wayne Rooney loves a bit of a gum fuck off that old granny down the local brothel."
by The Strut September 29, 2004
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A wild one. Someone who does not conform to the rest of society. A maverick. A guy who plays by his own rules and to hell with the consequences. Shows you what he can do.
JC - Ladies, let me show you what I can do.

Ladies - Wow. That John Clegg is one loose cannon.
by The Strut October 12, 2004
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The act of 'muscling in' on someone who is chatting to a member of the opposite sex. Generally happens at a bar. A friend of yours may be talking to an attractive person, you go up and start chatting with the two of them, shifting the whole dynamic of the conversation on to yourself. Chances are it will be your friend going home alone tonight.
Wow. That is some stunner Scott is chatting to. I must have her.

Out comes my bucket of sand. Scht scht scht scht.

Hi! Scott, who's this lovely lady?
by The Strut September 29, 2004
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Doggy-style sex where 'Ralgex' or 'Deep Heat' is applied to the condom. Male member is well protected. The girl will not realise at first but hang on tight as it starts to burn. My pb is 42 seconds.
"Oooh, oooh, yes.... yesss. Hmmm is it getting hot in here?"
"Ralgex Rodeo!"
"Bastard! Not again!"
by The Strut October 13, 2004
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Acronym for Bus Fare Home. Used when people lose. Made famous by Jim Bowen on Bullseye.
Jim, "Well don't worry, you had six darts to get 101 or more and you got... 11. All you'll be taking is your BFH."
by The Strut October 1, 2004
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Very hairy female genitalia. Generally found to be unkempt and untrimmed.
Oh my Buddha, she's got a mott like a witch's cat.
by The Strut September 29, 2004
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