A term that originated in New Orleans. A drunken girl at the end of the night that can be found stumbling down the streets of the French Quarter. Typically an easy piece of ass
"What happened to that nasty Stumble Bunny that I saw you pick up last night"

"hey Scott, lets go hunt Stumble Bunnies"
"Sure, this place is dead"
by JonnyZero December 4, 2008
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pulling a stumble is when you get drunk and have sex with a crack head in a bathroom floor
"did you hear that sean and Billy had sex in jacobs bathroom floor?"

yeah, she hella pulled a stumble
by qwdfgbkyug September 21, 2006
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N. Stumble Tag is a game you play with fellow friends that are sharing stumbles with each other. The object of the game is to find the wierdest or grossest thing and then send it to them with the words "Tag your it".
I just fucked Abby up in Stumble Tag, I sent her Blue Waffle
by NADG January 25, 2011
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Verb - what happens when you are googling something totally unrelated to Trump, but get a picture of Trump in the results. This also applies when the simple act of turning on the TV results in a picture or video of Trump. This is particularly annoying when you hate Trump.
Man, I stumble-trumped yesterday while I was looking at porn. Can't a guy just watch some porn without running into that asshole?
by wordHoudini January 31, 2018
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The process of using tabs in firefox and/or internet explorer combined with the program stumbleupon. Thus allowing a user to open more then one "stumble" at a time. Synonymous with the often used joke on the program's addicting potential.
Man I was up til five last night multi stumbling, I had like 100 stumbles in two hours.
by Dirman5890 June 27, 2008
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1. the act of finding someones secret porn collection

2. to browse through pornography to find some suitable for ejaculation

derived from the internet device called StumbleUpon
Dude I totally just stumbled upron in my dads sock drawer!

I really wanted to find some asian pornography so I stumble upron'd the internet for some
by teradaktil August 19, 2009
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