The universal phrase amongst students in class to tell everyone to get on stumble guys
Kid 1: Yo this class is boring asf bro
Kid 1: What's the google classroom code bro???
Kid 2: AXQ32M
by meemzolol October 16, 2023
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Out drinking, a little past a legal limit, stumbling with two drinks, one in each hand.
I was out with My girl the other night and she had so many people buying her drinks she was Stumble Fisted.
by Red & Kiki January 27, 2012
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A stumble and rumble is an activity for gentlemen who engage in a game of Stumble Guys. The player who finishes in last place is required to watch the other guys whilst they view a porn video, strictly not being allowed to see the screen themselves. No self pleasuring is permitted at any time from any stumblers. The video must be stopped at the first sight of vaginal penetration.
We had a quiet one at the apartment last night, a few us played a quick stumble and rumble then went to bed.
by AppleStumble November 5, 2023
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To unexpectedly encounter something surprising/disturbing/intriguing while surfing the Internet. The key is the unexpected - if you were actively searching for "puppies on bicycles", finding "" does not count as a net-stumble.
Check this site out - it's like IMDB for adult film stars. I net-stumbled on it after mistyping the address of IMDB.
by balloonie-cat October 10, 2014
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A stumble-rumble is the result of having consumed a few too many and proceeding to kick the living shit out of another person or one's self due to irrationality.
Shirley got into a stumble-rumble with Bob at the karaoke bar because he sang their song with Sue-Ellen.
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Whilst attempting to bitch slap another man a guy trips and inadvertently punches them instead.

The first confirmed stumble-punch was performed August 5 upon one Kurt Krippendorf.
Zach: mumble mumble mumble... *stumble-punches Kurt*

Kurt: Dude' what the fuck?!

Zach: mumble mumble mumble...
by Johny Girth August 6, 2010
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