a crack

Being a crack is simply being brainless and idiotic.
Yousif likes lemon-head, what a crack
by Marzook742 March 26, 2019
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a crack

before it was associated with any type of drug. Every one knew that "a crack," was corporal punishment doled out usually from a teacher or school principle at the end of a paddle or other type of manufactured board and applied to the misbehaving students posterior ( butt crack) this was well known slang (1960's-early 80's)
he's on the way to the principles office, and I bet he gets "a crack."
by Swago-soul February 12, 2020
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crack of crack

Several hours earlier than the crack of dawn. Specifically, when you have to get up really early in the morning. See also dark times.
My flight's at 6:00 am and I gotta be a the airport at the crack of crack tomorrow!
by KM March 10, 2004
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Cracking Crack

When someone doesn’t pull up there pant and there crack is showing you try not to stare. BUT when they are walking you see the crack cracking so you must stare.
Joe: “OOO the crack be cracking!”
Bob: “Yes that is one cracking crack!”
They give each other high fives
by hehejackson19 April 24, 2019
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Crack Crack

lets get some hookers and hit the Crack Crack bro
by Poserkiller December 21, 2010
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Internet gaming term used for people who are insanely good at something.
Teammate wipes out the entire enemy team.
You: Holy shit, he's fucking cracked!
by Hwangje Hien April 22, 2020
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on crack

Generally someone whose actions would lead one to believe that the person is using crack cocaine due to the stupidity or messed-up-ness of their actions.
Used to describe something stupid, messed up or to express frustration with something
Man, you on crack! You will never get with that chick.

That biology report is on crack man.

Dude, Ms. Stanton's on crack! She gave me a friggen C+!!!
by TheDuke January 26, 2005
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