When you curb-stomp someone so hard, the tread of your boot is permanently printed on their face and/or head. Can also happen accidentally in a serious mosh pit, such as Slayer, Ministry, GG Allin, Cannibal Corpse, etc.
That fuckin' Neo-Nazi keeps punching people in the pit. Come on, we're all gonna sole-tattoo the fucker outside when the band's done.
by Dharma Midget March 3, 2018
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Falling hard for someone who you thought you never would.
Being absolutely certain but not quite in the existing moment.
"He thought she was his one and only sole mate."


"She thought she was his only sole mate but she was wrong."
by ~jobella~ April 30, 2008
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Go up to a sole and sock him. January 15th is the official day
Haole 1: Tomorrow is Sock a sole day!!!!!

Haole 2: Yes!!!!
by Scared Haole January 25, 2011
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Absolutely filthy rich. From the Paul Simon song title from Graceland (1986).
Look at those nouveaux-riches types at the boarding school on sports day. They want everyone to know they have diamonds on the soles of their shoes.
by Fearman August 6, 2007
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1) one who talks the talk but does not walk the walk
2) one who lies about things they plan to do or have done
3) one who has a goal but doesnt do the work to reach it
John says he is going to work hard and become the manager but he is clean shoe soles.
by Kphise219 April 26, 2011
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expression used to qualify someone who is very cheeky and that you may kick in the ass soon...
Bryan, you are such a pain, be careful, your ass smells the sole...

This kid is so excited, messing up everything. His ass smells the sole...
by Stephanie37 July 7, 2008
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