When you plug one nostril with your finger, and blow out of the other nostril with everything you have, sending a snot projectile out of the nose.
Without tissue, all I could do to clear my nose was to blow a snot rocket.
by Turnspike February 12, 2003
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To blow one's nose by blocking one nostril with a finger and blowing snot from the other nostril onto the floor or ground. See Farmer Snort.
Chuck used to bike to work even in the winter and would always get a runny nose, which he would take care of with a couple of quick snot rockets in full view of the rush hour traffic.
by Johann1967 May 14, 2005
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When you plug/cover/pinch one nostril closed and then blow hard to make unwanted snot shoot out the other nostril. Sometimes when suffering from a cold, snot rockets can be achieved by the nose alone, without intervention from the hands. The primary purpose of the "rocket" is to avoid leaving any snot residue left behind. The idea is to blow the snot out fast enough so that it has no chance of sticking to the end of your nostril. Snot rockets are enacted primarily in situations when tissue is desperately needed but unavailable, or it is done simply for recreation.
My nose was starting to run before the track meet, so I ran behind a tree and blew out a massive snot rocket.

Snot rockets are about the only fun part of having a cold. Morning snot rockets in the shower are cherished by many.
by MassWorder November 10, 2009
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What my boyfriend did on a date.
(I plug his nose just to annoy him)
(He holds his breath and pushes with his nose)
(I let go - stupidly - only to get snot ALL OVER ME in a RESTAURANT)

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When a projectile booger comes shooting out of a person's nostril.
Chloe snot rocketed all over my arm.
by Taylor+Chloe January 26, 2007
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A particle of nasal excrement launched at such high speed as to achieve escape velocity. It may be launched by way of a sneeze, or the "cover one nostril and blow" method.
I still have flashbacks to the time in 7th grade when I was almost decapitated by my friend Carlos' snot rocket.
by ICSHialeah August 15, 2009
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launched when "rocketeer" plugs on nostril with finger,then expelles air thruogh open nostril causing a stream of mucus and boogers to fly out onto unsuspecting victim.
Whatta' ya' gonna pick?
by sky May 9, 2003
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