1. noun - person unable to eat or pour liquids without spilling half the contents down their front
2. verb - to unsuccessfully attempt ill-advised transfer of liquid or semi-liquid foodstuffs from one object to another; to eat messily
3. adjective form "slittery"
1. What a slitter - you've gone and got soup all up your sleeve.
2. Don't try and pour your tea into another mug. You'll slitter half of it for sure.
3. Aw ya big slittery monkey. Look at the mess you're making!
by thrawnpop May 14, 2008
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Slitter is a slang term used for the word "cutter". This is word is more commonly used by "Preps".
" Omg, look at that EmO chick"
" Yeah, I heard she is a slitter"
by Tha EmO BeaUtie June 27, 2005
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n. (orig. Scotland) A person who lacks hand to mouth co-ordination and as a result makes a messof their clothing and/or the surrounding environment.
That baby with the spaghetti bowl on his head is such a slitter.
by Aarathon November 23, 2004
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People from Asia are called slitters because of their eyes
He must be from Asia. Look at his eyes. That dude is a slitter.
by woobledoo1978 February 11, 2005
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One who slits. This could be by working excessive amounts of time on mtuual fund tax provisions or on any other related slit material.

The person doing the slit work is the slitter.
"Wow, Shaun hasn't easten lunch all week he just works straight through...what a slitter"

"All this guy is does is work, he has no life he's miserable! What a slitter.
by The Slit Master March 12, 2012
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a film that is full of murder-by-slitting-the-throat scenes.
Children should not be allowed to watch slitter films.
by uttam maharjan October 2, 2011
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