by enitsirk January 28, 2003
Grossed out, disgusted, to get a sketchy feeling about a situation. Originates from the Italian word "schifo" which means disgust.
by N. Giuliano March 21, 2006
(verb) to gross out; to digust; to make your skin crawl, sometimes with undertones of sexual deviance/perversion
It really skeeved me out when he ate the gummy bear off the floor in the movie theater.
Twenty-year-old guys who date girls too young to drive really skeeve me out.
Twenty-year-old guys who date girls too young to drive really skeeve me out.
by puma-cat July 8, 2005
verb 1. to cause disgust (in someone). 2. +that: to be disgusted by (something)
From Italian schifo (pron. 'skI:fo
From Italian schifo (pron. 'skI:fo
1. Seeing guys spit on the sidewalk skeeves me. 2. Guys putting their hands all over you, I skeeve that.
by mrRhum September 8, 2004
An act upon which a friend, family member, or in some cases a stranger will ask if they can steal a bit of your food, drink, cigarette, joint, etc.
"Oi m8, lets skeev a bit of that spliff"
"Safe bruv, just gonna skeev a couple m&m's, that bless ye?"
"Did you see Dave last night skeev all of that orange squash?"
"Ye m8 he's a propa skeevy jew."
"Safe bruv, just gonna skeev a couple m&m's, that bless ye?"
"Did you see Dave last night skeev all of that orange squash?"
"Ye m8 he's a propa skeevy jew."
by skeever69 February 10, 2017
by bogart February 4, 2005
by Eric B 4 Pres May 18, 2009