shoot up the school

its used by emo fuckboys who wants to kill all the teachers cus they give dem homework.
person: yo dude wanna go to the mall?

person 2 : no im about to shoot up the school
person 3 : thanks my boi
by cockyler1 January 30, 2017
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shoot up the club

(n) When a guy gets his box filled by a group of rogue sausage swinging manz

B. (v) Discharging a massive nut in a D.C. club where other men are dancing to Ava Max, Drake, or Cheer
"yo I'm about to shoot up the club and get filled up"
"fill me up! shoot up the clurb! mop that milanese sauce all over dis face bruhhh"
by sausagesteve May 7, 2021
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shoot it up

When shooting the drug heroin into ones self through a needle into the arm!
by XPR April 2, 2004
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idiom to describe a pointless task; everyone in the nursing home gonna die in like 2 months anyway lmao
Karen wanted to give Dad a magazine subscription for his birthday, but I said that would be like shooting up a nursing home, since he already has fifteen or twenty subscriptions.
by NotASchoolShooter September 28, 2021
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shoot 'em up

Your angry and about to kill everyone.

Other definitions that are similar:
pull a JFK
get my finger paints
What you say about my mama!, lets shoot 'em up!
by Pistol Starta February 14, 2004
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Shoot me up

1:to shoot semen all over

2:to nut
3: fellatio
Damn,Jake just shoot me up last night
by Theshitposter11 June 20, 2019
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