9 definitions by Pistol Starta

Originated from the video game character dik dik van dik in ultimate muscle. Quite possibly the best phrase in human history. It should be said often and with enthusiasm.
...Its dik dik time!!!...but when is it not...good times
by Pistol Starta February 14, 2004
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Phrase used commonly in fights. Normally screamed loudly and frequently as said person hops around you and strips. Then you kick his ass.
Come on then nigga! nigga what!, yo yo nigga what nigga what what!
by Pistol Starta February 11, 2004
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The act of continually pressing a button or pulling a lever, which results in a "cleeking" noise
Beebo, stop pulling z lever!!!..."cleek"...Beebo!!!...."cleek"...Damnit Beebo!!!...."cleek"
by Pistol Starta February 11, 2004
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A phrase used commonly in boring or non-exciting situations when something unexpected happens. If you and your friends are sitting around staring at the wall and you start hysterically laughing, thats good times.
*sniff*....did tim just fall off the roof?....good times...yep
by Pistol Starta February 11, 2004
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Your angry and about to kill everyone.

Other definitions that are similar:
pull a JFK
get my finger paints
What you say about my mama!, lets shoot 'em up!
by Pistol Starta February 14, 2004
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A phrase of relaxation, or pleasure. Commonly used when something goes just the way you want it to.
*leaning back in chair and stretching*..ahhhhh, thats the ticket...
by Pistol Starta February 11, 2004
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Act of pressing a button or pulling a lever which results in a "cleeking" noise.
Beebo, pull z lever!...."cleek"
by Pistol Starta February 11, 2004
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