When a female (or male) kneals in front of 3 or more naked men and takes their penises in her mouth one by one - as though they are microphones at a press conference
by bro-oss March 22, 2010
Mark: "So, now that everyone is here I would like to hold a press conference about what took place last night... Mandy, from accounting, now has herpes... I GAVE THEM TO HER, I will now open the room to questions..."
Denise: "Did you tell her before or after the sex that you had the curse?"
Mark: "After... duh, next?"
James: "Are you attracted to her or just trying to spread herpes?"
Mark: "Ah yes that's a good one, ummm... jeees.... I'm going to have to go with the second one... cause.. she kind of has that weird nose thing going on and.. yeah... "
Denise: "Did you tell her before or after the sex that you had the curse?"
Mark: "After... duh, next?"
James: "Are you attracted to her or just trying to spread herpes?"
Mark: "Ah yes that's a good one, ummm... jeees.... I'm going to have to go with the second one... cause.. she kind of has that weird nose thing going on and.. yeah... "
by TheHanMan April 2, 2009
A synonym for suicide. Origin comes from Budd Dwyer, a former Pennsylvania politician who, on the morning of January 22, 1987, committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth with a revolver during a televised press conference.
"Man, my girlfriend just left me, my dog died, and there's no way to get a Rock Band pre-order for launch day. I'm thinking about holding a press conference."
by J.Bot October 29, 2007
Hey man I heard you were banging that Bolivian girl, way to go!
Yeah I told that gossip queen Shannon about it last week and now its the talk of the town. Gotta love the Peer Press Conference
Yeah I told that gossip queen Shannon about it last week and now its the talk of the town. Gotta love the Peer Press Conference
by AngryFrenchCanadian January 23, 2011
When a person repeatedly avoids answering a question by changing the subject or rambling on with an incoherent anecdote.
by Mouf Breathah November 17, 2008
by Burn813 November 21, 2013
Press conference involving a true dialogue between members of the press corp and the political individual, presumably the President. Actual unscripted questions directed toward the President without him possessing prepared responses.
There will be big boy press conference scheduled this coming week which will receive networks coverage.
by Patriot Dave July 10, 2024